Easy and inclusive sailing, thrills for everyone.
IZIBoat®, easy and inclusive sailing, sensations for everyone, opens up sailing to as many people as possible, whatever their age, physical condition or level of experience.
IZIBoat®, with its intuitive joystick control, is exceptionally stable and can be shared safely with friends and family, children, the elderly or people with reduced mobility.
IZIBoat®, with its intuitive joystick control, is exceptionally stable and can be shared safely with friends and family, children, the elderly or people with reduced mobility.
Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Site, building totally accessible
Equipment hire

ce que vous allez vivre avec iziboat Missing video caption
briefing de navigation et de sécurité Missing video caption
Spoken languages
- Town outskirts
- Village 2 km away
- Beach within 300 m
- Sea within 300 m
- Feet in the water: sea
- Feet in the water: beach