Theatrical tour of the Vauban Fortifications of Saint-Martin-de-Ré

  • Cultural
  • Guided tour
  • Historic
Porte des Campani, 17410 Saint-Martin-de-Ré
For the whole family, a dramatized tour of the Vauban fortifications at Saint-Martin-de-Ré, organized by Association Vauban Fortifications
Let's take a stroll with His Excellency
Sébastien le Pestre, Marquis de Vauban,
General Commissioner for Royal Fortifications,
on an inspection of his citadels.
A historical walk where you'll learn about
the art of building fortresses in the Grand Siècle,
declaimed in the language of Molière by Bilout.
A real treat!


Pets welcome


Rates 2025
Full price


Groups (Max capacity)
  • 120 Maximum number of people


visites théâtralisées des remparts
visites théâtralisées des remparts
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Theatrical tour of the Vauban Fortifications of Saint-Martin-de-Ré
Porte des Campani, 17410 Saint-Martin-de-Ré
Contact Theatrical tour of the Vauban Fortifications of Saint-Martin-de-Ré
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Spoken languages
  • French
  • In centre of town
  • Town location
  • On an island
  • Waterside
Updated on 22 January 2025 at 09:39
by Destination Ile de Ré
(Offer identifier : 5779345)
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